Peter DeJager

Articles by Peter DeJager

Back to change

A number of readers sent me their thoughts in response to my recent column, People don

Prepare yourself for ethical dilemmas

Here's a quick scenario. You've advertised a vacant position in your department and have received several hundred resum

Jeering at Jargonitis

The IT industry is currently being afflicted with a brain-eating virus for which there is no known cure. The medical term for this highly contagious disease is Argotism. The incubation period of the disease ranges from one to eight hours, at which time the subject becomes highly, and permanently, contagious.

No one fears change

"Contrary to everything we think we know about the complicated issue of change management, people do not resist change."


Do any reading in the area of creativity and you

Managers need to get involved

If you work for a living, then part of what you do is solve problems. These problems might consist of people or things; they might range from office politics, to printers that refuse to print and LANS that just won't LAN. In any case you get paid to fix them.

Managers need to get involved

If you work for a living, then part of what you do is solve problems. These problems might consist of people or things; they might range from office politics, to printers that refuse to print and LANS that just won

Meetings can be a good thing

How does a manager improve staff productivity? Or increase the amount of staff training under reduced budgets? Or instill team spirit, or at least entice staff to work together more effectively and perhaps, if we're lucky, enjoy the act of mutual cooperation?

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