Pedro Cardoso

Articles by Pedro Cardoso

Why Do You Blog?

It’s coming up on six weeks since yours trulydipped his feet into the “Blogging Waters”.  For others here onBlogging Idol, this was a similar...

Why Projects Fail – Kotter Step 4/8 – Don’t Under Communicate

In what you might think should be the easiest step to cross of your list and prevent your project's failure or derailment, is actually...

Why Projects Fail – Kotter Step 5/8 – Empowering Others to Act on the Vision

This is where "the rubber hits the road" in change management or project team efforts. Kotter describes this step as Empowering Others to...

Keep Your Project Moving – You

This is where “the rubber hits the road” in change management or project team efforts.  Kotter describes this step as Empowering Others to Act on the...

Want your project to be successful? Shout it from the rooftops

In what you might think should be the easiest step to cross of yourlist and prevent your project’s failure or derailment, is actuallywhere I have...

Palm Pre

In what is turning out to be “April The Rumour Month”, the latestnow is that we may not see the Palm Pre, as expected...

Windows 7 Launched On The Web – Microsoft Surprises All

So no sooner doI talk aboutthe fact that the world has been talking about Windows a lot, thandoesn’t this hit my RSS feed radar...

Apple Fights Back – New IPhones, New Carrier – Too Bad AT&T

It’s official - Apple management finally got wind of my “IPhone Killer” series of posts,  and that proved to be the last gallon of...

Tech News