Pedro Cardoso

Articles by Pedro Cardoso


As part of a promotion for Yahoo’s new homepage, they have launched a cute, new website that determines what type of Twitter user you...

Is TEAM Just Another Four Letter Word To You?

The Team.If there is another HR sanctioned 4 letter word in a company’svernacular that can trigger either delight or angst (and combinationsof everything in-between),...

Battle for Search 2.0 Supremacy – Facebook enters ring, throws first punch!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the fight for real-time search has hitmainstream “social media” users.  CNET was one of the first to breakthe news late today...

Dark Days Of Twitter Are Upon Us

Right off the top, I need to disclose that “I HATE spammers”. Idon’t often use the word “hate” - in fact, I actually “hate”...

Twitter Is Down – Our Voices Are Silenced

Yes, it is true. Twitter is down. According to Twitter's official status page, it's been about 50 excruciating long minutes. The fallout and "official...

Twitter Is Down – Our Voices Are Silenced

Yes, it is true. Twitter is down.According to Twitter’s official status page, it’s been about50 excruciating long minutes.  The fallout and “official spin” aroundthis latest...

The customer is always right

Got a tweet that came through today in my twitter stream:$500-$1000 for a professional web design too much? Innocent enough question - followed the...

Twitter is real – Don

I bet you’re a boiling frog and you just don’t know it.  Think I am wrong?  I don’t.The internet has been around for some...

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