Pedro Cardoso

Articles by Pedro Cardoso

One Billion Served – Apple App Store Blows Past The Milestone

(Last Updated: 04/24/2009 11:52PM) Only 11 days ago I wrote about how Apple announced "the race" to a billion IPhone application downloads from their...

Baby Shaker – Story Of An Apple IPhone App Going Bad

I'm still shaking my head...can I stop now? Do I win? Apple needs to make a withdrawl "big time" from the Public GoodWill Bank....

Baby Shaker – Story Of An Apple IPhone App Going Bad

I’m still shaking my head…can I stop now? Do I win? Apple needs tomake a withdrawl “big time” from the Public GoodWill Bank for...

Best Quarterly Earnings In Apple History – IPhone Still King

Apple Reports March Quarterly Revenue and Earnings numbers that are the best in Apple History.  The IPhone 3G…IPhone 3G Still King!…in the first quarter of...

Get Your Questions Answered On Twitter – ToAnswer, ToAnswer. That is the Question!

Where do we go when we need answers? Google!Where do we go when we need REAL answers from REAL people?  Maybe Yahoo Answers. Maybe...

Oracle Fans Sun

 This Monday, news rocked the tech world .   Consider me “your Oracle”, though I don’t need a crystal ball, just your attention as I...

Amazon and Tivo Bring You Affordable HD Movies

Amazon Powered Tivo HD DownloadsIn a world where content is King,  it appears as ifAmazon is looking to climb to the top of “video...

Google Profiles – A Facebook Killer?

Extra, Extra, Read All About It! Some Time Ago, Google launchedGoogle Profiles.  Not a lot of people paid a lot of attention to itthen...

Tech News