Paul Krill

Articles by Paul Krill

Oracle unveils collaboration suite

Attempting to grow beyond its traditional boundaries, Oracle Corp. on Wednesday outlined plans to develop a range of offerings from collaboration software and tools to outsourcing and application servers.

Microsoft set to release .Net tool for Java developer

Eyeing Java converts to its .Net applications platform, Microsoft Corp. on Monday planned to release its Visual J# .Net development tool, to make it easier for developers used to Java to build for .Net.

Unified Modeling Language upgrade proceeds

The UML (Unified Modeling Language) standard would be fitted with a modeling library for implementing tools, under a plan to be submitted to the Object Management Group on Wednesday.

Unified Modeling Language upgrade proceeds

The UML (Unified Modeling Language) standard would be fitted with a modeling library for implementing tools, under a plan to be submitted to the Object Management Group on Wednesday.

Gordon Moore: Sun should adopt Intel architecture

Gordon Moore, a co-founder of Intel Corp. and author of Moore's Law of CPU performance improvements, said Tuesday that he wishes Sun Microsystems Inc. would adopt the Intel architecture.

Web services specification aims at collaboration

Sun Microsystems Inc., SAP AG, BEA Systems Inc. and Intalio Inc. have developed an XML-based interface description language.

Sun readies dev tools suite and UDDI package

Sun Microsystems Inc. next week will unveil the Sun ONE (Open Net Environment) Developer Platform, a set of tools and software servers intended to provide IT shops with integration across the life cycle of development.

Sun readies dev tools suite, UDDI package

Sun Microsystems Inc. next week will unveil the Sun ONE (Open Net Environment) Developer Platform, a set of tools and software servers intended to provide IT shops with integration across the life cycle of development.

Tech News