Paul Krill

Articles by Paul Krill

Novell brings .Net developers to Apple iPad

The MonoTouch platform allows developers to use languages written for .Net when developing iPad applications

iPad will change how iPhone developers think

Developers are gearing up for the new possibilities in the iPad, but they may have to move beyond their iPhone roots to keep up. The iPad presents a whole new form factor and extended user interface

Agile app development now mainstream: Forrester

A new Forrester report finds widespread use of the iterative software development process in a variety of flavours: a blend of agile and non-agile, a unique assortment of cherry picked favourite parts

Software developers jump on the cloud bandwagon

Where cloud delivery makes sense, developers find they need to make few significant adjustments in app development methods. Reasons developers like the cloud

Linux Foundation launches job board

Linux's increasing use across industries is building high demand for Linux jobs despite unemployment statistics. Job seekers will be able to include LinkedIn details on their profile, including resumes

Brewing CoffeeScript as variation on JavaScript

The creator, Jeremy Ashkenas, is calling his open source project

Google offers Android device dashboard

Developers can see the market penetration of specific versions of Android and set priorities in determining application features accordingly

Tech News