Paul Krill

Articles by Paul Krill

Microsoft launches open source .Net package manager

The early version of NuPack package manager is designed to make it as simple as possible to integrate open source libraries within .Net projects. How it works

Best hold off on HTML5 in Web sites, warns W3C

Despite all the hype, the HTML5 specification isn't yet ready due to interoperability issues, a W3C official warns

Visual Basic developers get access to Windows Phone 7

Microsoft Visual Basic CTP for Windows Phone Developer Tools include templates and emulator support

Standard Java improvements due in phases

Oracle said it will release an interim upgrade to Java SE next year rather than waiting for all of its planned improvements to be ready in two years

Oracle airs Java ambitions

At JavaOne this week, the company stressed plans for improving Java on a full range of systems now that it oversees development of key platform technologies

JavaFX moves forward while mobile variant on hold

At the JavaOne conference this week, Oracle announced JavaFX 2.0 will arrive in Q3 of 2011 and that JRuby improvements are also in the pipeline

Cloud-based source code host adds Git

Currently in beta, Codesion Git Service offers enterprise-friendly access to Git, much like Amazon Elastic Compute Service

Rhomobile upgrades development-as-service platform

New version RhoHub 2.0 offers mobile application development for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Mobile

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