Paul Krill

Articles by Paul Krill

Software designer promotes ’21st century’ techniques

ThoughtWorks' Martin Fowler cited domain-specific languages and continuous integration as important development aids. The productivity advantages of DSL

Cloud computing underwhelms PHP developers

Developers still see it as the future, yet they think it is currently overhyped and vendor-driven

Agile programming 10 years on: Did it deliver?

Iterative, collaborative software development catches on a decade after the Agile Manifesto, which served as a watershed event that helped propel the concept

Oracle lays out its cloud vision

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison famously once asked, "What the hell is cloud computing?" Nonetheless, Oracle has jumped onto the cloud bandwagon, with company execs on Monday touting the concept and the products and services that accommodate it

Google offers APIs console, retires some APIs

The new console helps developers improve API usage across sites and applications

Java politics brews conflicts between Oracle and JCP

The Apache Harmony license issue drags on as JCP Executive Committee members strive for independence from Oracle. What happened to a level playing field?

Nokia unites mobile development on Qt (that

Symbian and MeeGo application builders will use Qt for native and Web development. Nokia

Oracle, IBM hold hands on Java

The rivals have pledged to cooperate on OpenJDK for open source Java and to enhance the Java Community Processrn

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