Patrick Thibodeau

Articles by Patrick Thibodeau

Truste seal aims to separate e-mail from spam

The privacy seals found on many Web pages are being added to e-mail in an effort to distinguish legitimate mailings from the flood of spam.

Microsoft faces more perils in new lawsuit

Currenex Inc., a global currency exchange, still uses Netscape Communications Corp. servers, and other corporate enterprises do so as well. But Netscape isn't the emerging power it once was, having lost the so-called browser war and what would have been a pathway into corporate markets.

Decentralization key to infrastructure protection

Decentralized systems, such as those used by electronic communications networks (ECN) to trade securities, are a good model for protecting systems from catastrophic attacks such as Sept. 11, financial executives told a U.S. House subcommittee Wednesday.

Decentralization key to infrastructure protection

Decentralized systems, such as those used by electronic communications networks (ECN) to trade securities, are a good model for protecting systems from catastrophic attacks such as Sept. 11, financial executives told a U.S. House subcommittee late last month.

Decentralization key to infrastructure protection

Decentralized systems, such as those used by electronic communications networks (ECN) to trade securities, are a good model for protecting systems from catastrophic attacks such as Sept. 11, financial executives told a U.S. House subcommittee.

Nine states reject Microsoft antitrust deal

Nine of the 18 states involved in the Microsoft antitrust case agreed Tuesday to join the U.S. Department of Justice in settling the landmark case. But nine other states and Washington rejected the settlement and will continue litigation in pursuit of tougher terms.

Businesses eye Y2k effort for terrorism fight

In preparing for the feared Y2k computer glitch in the late 1990s, the U.S. government appointed a czar to organize critical industries to combat the problem.

MS/DOJ – Next phase of case could be a long one

The next phase of the Microsoft Corp. antitrust case

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