Patrick Thibodeau

Articles by Patrick Thibodeau

VMware offers virtualization for brand name servers

VMware Inc. set to make virtualization software commonplace for servers

Virtualization users get vendor-neutral security guide

A non-profit organization offers a 30-page document that details the risks companies should watch for as they seek to consolidate their infrastructure and boost utilization. How to avoid the "world of hurt"

Feds push IT to expend less energy

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency calls on IT managers to adopt best practices for managing power usage, install new energy-saving technologies and make going green a priority

Muni Wi-Fi props Minneapolis bridge recovery

A new Wi-Fi network in Minneapolis - only partially completed and just two months old - is nonetheless giving the city critical help in responding to last week's collapse of a highway bridge. The network helped the city with communications, moving large mapping files to the recovery site, and is supporting wireless cameras that are being installed to help with recovery operations.

Metric may point users to more energy-efficient servers

A nonprofit organization in Warrenton, Va., is expected to publish late this year a power utilization benchmark that will compare server vendors to help IT managers find the greenest products

Treasury Department knocked for IT spending says report

The U.S. Treasury Department is not managing its technology dollars as well as it could be, according to a recent report from the Government Accountability Office. In particular, the GAO cited a need for Treasury officials to improve the coordination between the agency's IT and business managers on proposed technology investments.

Castro equates H-1B program with high-tech labour piracy

Fidel Castro, Cuba's ailing leader, this week warned in a written commentary that the migration of skilled IT workers and other professionals to the U.S. and other nations will hurt developing economies in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Canada seeks foreign workers

For Colin Hansen, minister of economic development in British Columbia, Microsoft's decision last week to open a software development center in Vancouver was proof that Canada's strategy to grow its economy is working

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