Patrick Thibodeau

Articles by Patrick Thibodeau

CIOs need to get up close and personal

Encouraging face-to-face interaction teaches IT professionals to behave a little bit more professionally, and a little more businesslike

Microsoft plans mega-sized green data centres

The software giant is working on facilities that will be approximately as large as a couple of big-box retailers put together. As it grows to meet its compute needs, the company also focuses on energy issues

Soaring loonie gives IT managers a lift

With the Canadian dollar worth more at press time than its US counterpart, Canadian IT managers such as Janet Topic, CIO at Trimac Transportation...

Gartner’s top 10 strategic technologies for 2008

At the top of Gartner Inc.'s 10 strategic technologies for next year is "Green IT". The research firm says that if businesses don't improve data centre energy efficiency, the government may force them to do so.

ITXPO: To improve IT, consider ditching e-mail

It may be thought of as mission-critical software, but technology executives at an industry conference hosted by research firm Gartner Inc. say messaging tools don't improve business alignment

Security benchmark for virtualization

Virtualized IT environments can now be checked against a vendor-neutral security configuration benchmark developed by the Centre for Internet Security

Doctors decry lack of IT interoperability

A Yale University clinical professor says physicians need to know whether the IT investments they're making will be worthwhile. They need to know that the systems they purchase will work with other systems. "It's a daunting challenge we have," agrees Noel Williams, CIO at HCA Inc. "Part of the problem is we have too many standards."

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