Patricia Pickett

Articles by Patricia Pickett

Insurers expand IT outsourcing deals

Montreal-based outsourcing services provider CGI Group Inc. has inked two 10-year deals with insurance companies in the U.K. and the U.S.

Maritime telco takes consolidation path

When four provincial telephone companies amalgamated on Jan. 1, 2001, the newly formed Aliant Telecom Inc. was in need of some server streamlining.

Switching the gears to self-employment

When transitioning from being an IT employee to starting one

Outsourcing spending to increase by 2005: study

A study released Thursday by research firm Ipsos-Reid Corp. predicts that the number of companies that outsourced key services in 2003 will decrease in 2005, but the percentage of spending allocated to outsourcing will increase over this period.

Female students still lukewarm to IT

A recent survey of 10 universities by the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) suggests the average number of women graduating from computer studies programs remains flat.

Sapphire: SAP inks Microsoft, RIM deals

SAP AG used an annual gathering of customers to announce new alliances: a joint, detailed road map with Microsoft Corp. for better integration between Microsoft .Net and SAP NetWeaver, and the combination of SAP

EMC adds ILM to certification program

Information and storage management vendor EMC Corp. has expanded its Proven Professional training and certification program to include an emphasis on its information lifecycle management (ILM) solutions.

Portals top of mind for two Sapphire attendees

Customers at this year's Sapphire user conference said their use of the software vendor's integration and application platform NetWeaver is helping them transition to a services-oriented architecture.

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