No Author

Articles by No Author

UAE to issue two million smart card IDs in 2004

The United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) is to issue identity smart cards to its two million population beginning in the middle of 2004, according to smart card vendor Gemplus International SA, which has won the contract to supply the system in conjunction with Sagem SA.

AAD manages the Antarctic data flow

Storing and maintaining the mountains of scientific data Australia's Antarctic researchers generate is not a job for the faint-hearted. But keeping tabs on each and every piece of information while making it accessible to the public is the challenge the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) Data Centre's database management team has undertaken.

EC still concerned about Microsoft monopoly abuse

Microsoft Corp. has so far failed to offer the European Commission grounds for a settlement in the long-running antitrust lawsuit against the company, a senior antitrust official said Wednesday.

Greg Enright: Realistic days have returned

It's time that we stop viewing the present in the reflection of the past.

Johna Till Johnson: Presence should be on more minds

Most of us have figured out some basic rules for reaching other people.

Linda Musthaler: Ink fuels the printer wars, chips thwart savings

You might think that all laser or inkjet printers are pretty much the same, and basically, they are.


Software provider Computer Associates International Inc. and corporate security services provider Pinkerton Consulting and Investigations Inc. announced...


Oculan Corp. last month shipped its Oculan 250 management appliance for managing and securing network devices, servers...

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