No Author

Articles by No Author

Getting To Know More About Unisys

A worldwide technology leader, Unisys offers its clients enterprise class servers and expertise in business solutions.Unisys is...

Microsoft Canada Software Asset Management

The new CEO was reviewing his company's software license agreements and comparing them to installed software reports....


Kevin Whyte has been appointed Chief Information Officer - Wealth Management for TD Bank Financial Group. Mr....

In search of a silver bullet

Most CIOs agree that they already have a sufficient number of applications. What they need is the ability to get more out of those applications through process and data integration.

Window of opportunity

Doing more with less has been the mandate of most CIOs for some time now. Budgets and teams have shrunk but project responsibilities have grown.

A trip down memory lane

Reading through the first ten years of CIO Canada, one is reminded of the old Chinese curse,

Intel to speed up mobile chips

Intel Corp. is planning to roll out a new line of faster Pentium M and mobile Pentium 4 (Pentium 4-M) processors for notebook PCs next month.

Palm pals join Tungsten C

Palm Inc. has announced five new technology partnerships for voice over IP (VoIP), Wi-Fi and authentication software, based on protocol by Cisco Systems Inc. for Palm

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