No Author

Articles by No Author

Manitoba reaches access milestone

Manitoba celebrated an Internet and computer access milestone recently with the opening of the province

Ontario CIOs eye tech trends

Governments need to be diligent in tracking technology trends in order to provide the right applications and services to citizens at the right time, Ontario

Online-only access for NZ

New Zealand

Rent an e-government service

Deutsche Telekom AG (DT) is offering a one-stop e-government service to cash-strapped German municipalities eager to lower their administrative costs.

The paperless municipality

The City of Terrebonne has become the first municipality in Quebec to go paperless.

State government looks at open source law

Government departments in the state of South Australia will be required to use open source software in preference to proprietary software if a bill proposed by Democrat Ian Gilfillan is passed into law.

E-voting trials may be scrapped

Electronic voting trials planned for next year

Teranet Poised For Growth

Backed by over a decade of financial and business success, Teranet is a complete electronic services provider...

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