No Author

Articles by No Author

Passwords can be costly

Labour costs for configuring and maintaining password systems in companies with more than 100,000 users average US$300...

Survey: global software market continues to slide

Global software sales fell five per cent in 2002 to US$152 billion and will continue to fall significantly for the next two years, according to a survey released in July by Ovum Ltd.

Quick Hits

A Paris-based company has taken a page out of 007's gadget book and is marketing a new ...


Ottawa-based Macadamian Technologies Inc. recently unveiled CodeReview 1.2, an add-in product for Microsoft Visual Studio .Net that...


A new Web site spoofs the PayPal Inc.'s online payment site and attempts to trick PayPal customers...


Hewlett-Packard Co. has introduced a line of servers based on Intel Corp.'s Itanium 2 1.5GHz processor. The...

Dan McLean: Outsourcers must write new chapters for success

Outsourcing is bigger and better than ever. More businesses are doing it and even more are considering its value.

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