The U.S. Department of Justice is pushing the FBI and its other operating units to speed up and expand their efforts to share a wide array of information with outside law enforcement agencies via a centralized database called OneDOJ.
Improving the integration capabilities and effectiveness of legacy IT systems will be the focus of enterprise investment strategies this year, says recent survey. Heading the spending priorities list is "business intelligence"
IBM has announced it will develop and host the Inventors' Forum, an online initiative to share ideas on how smaller enterprises view patent systems. In doing so, the Forum would seek to reform the patent process.
Canadian Companies are more concerned with protecting their reputations than their global competitors when they spend on information security. This is one of the findings in the latest 2006 Global State of Information Security (GSIS) Survey, a worldwide study by CIO magazine, CSO magazine and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Fifty-three per cent of Canadian companies surveyed said their reputation was driving their information security spending, much higher than the global average of 41%.
A recent poll sponsored by managed IT services firm Fusepoint shows that while 75% of business executives in Canada feel personally responsible for their company