No Author

Articles by No Author

Best of the Best part II

The ITX Awards, launched by CIO Canada publisher IT World Canada in 1997, honour the best in innovation and business value made possible through the intelligent and creative use of IT.


CareerWatchJohn Buckley has been named Vice-President, Retail IT Services for Maritime Life Assurance, Halifax. His major challenge...

Road warriors warming to wireless

Many business travellers view wireless computing technology as a business necessity only a year after "hotspots" -...

True grit

How can CIOs make sure that their IT employees keep up with the furious pace of technology? Traditional training options might provide the solution, but sometimes bolder action is called for.

IBM, Microsoft join to assert dominance of software infrastructure

IBM and Microsoft shared a stage for the first time in a decade to herald the coming of advanced Web services. But what they really wanted to demonstrate is that they will continue to dominate the software market.

Microsoft exec vows to fix what’s broken

The effects of the W32.Blaster worm have been felt throughout Microsoft Corp. during August, but they have been particularly painful for Jim Allchin, a self-described perfectionist.

Spoof angers sanctuary

So we admit it

Start work early, leave late: time well spent?

Workers in Canada's small and medium-sized companies are clocking in earlier and punching out later these days, but it is not necessarily time well spent, according to a recent survey.

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