No Author

Articles by No Author

Ethernet heads to the high seas and factory floors

Ethernet is showing up in places not usually the domain of traditional IT solutions.

Lost Packets

Barely-there lingerie maker Victoria's Secret last month agreed to pay a US$50,000 fine to the state of...

Network Solutions Briefs

Veritas Software Corp. recently announced that it plans to port all of its storage management tools to...

Infrastructure Briefs

SMC unveils multifunction deviceSMC Networks Inc. recently announced a wireless device that can be used as an adapter, ...

Telecom briefs

A U.S. judge says Edison, N.J.-based VoIP service provider Vonage is not subject to regulation in Minnesota....

News briefs

VeriSign Inc., the Mountain View, Calif. company that controls the .com and .net registries, said in October...

Lac Carling VII: The response

The seventh Lac Carling Congress confirmed once again the importance of bringing together public and private sector organizations, federal, provincial, territorial and municipal jurisdictions, and service delivery and information technology practitioners.

How to choose and use security metrics

Choosing the appropriate metrics will enable IT security directors to focus on effective security practices that address critical business needs, such as reducing downtime.

Tech News