No Author

Articles by No Author

Streamlined reporting saves time, money

Equitable Life of Canada, an 80-year-old independent, mutual life insurance company headquartered in Waterloo, Ont., is saving printing costs while improving service to policy holders and independent producers.

Sierra Systems to acquire Halifax consulting firm

Vancouver-based Sierra Systems Group Inc. announced that it is set to acquire Halifax-based Eastbridge Consulting Inc. and its subsidiary Eastech Advanced Development Inc. for an estimated $6 million. Sierra said in a statement that it has signed a letter of intent for the acquisition.

NCR introduces the virtual teller

An animated avatar can guide ATM customers through complex transactions and make the self-service transaction a more personalized one, according to NCR Corp. An avatar is the personification of software applications (agents) that perform tasks for the user in response to queries.

Analysts: IPv6, 3G and 64-bit can wait till 2007

IT executives shouldn't worry about bringing IPv6, 3G or 64-bit computing to the desktop until as late as 2007 or 2008, Gartner Inc. analysts advised this week at the the company's Symposium/ITxpo conference in Cannes, France.

Royal Bank deploys imaging, voice technology

Clients of RBC Royal Bank are now able to take advantage of leading edge technology that retrieves cancelled cheques in seconds rather than days, and will soon be able to identify themselves entirely through their own voices, when banking by telephone.

News Briefs

The Desjardins Group announced in September that it is deploying an automated speech recognition system that will...

Stand up for justice and be counted

The arguments people are using to justify breaking copyright laws to download music bear a lot in common with the excuses used to explain other illegal activities

Content craze threatens companies’ network performance

Most employers are more concerned about the loss of worker productivity involved with personal Web use than with the traffic that use generates.

Tech News

3Com network cards

IBM DB2 database

Lost Packets
