No Author

Articles by No Author

IT Focus news briefs, May 2004

Microsoft expands Business Solutions offerings; PLM vendor defines food and beverage; PeopleSoft upgrades promote lean

IT Focus news briefs, April 1, 2004

ATM validates bills and recycles cash; Teradata and SAP team up on analytical solutions; Microsoft takes aim at IT complexity


Why do women lag men in high-tech?The answer to the above question (posed in the Jan. issue, pg. 24) is simple. Women are smarter...

So it’s not a coaster?

Working as a senior member of the Network and Desktop Support Group I was normally called for those " tricky " calls that required a little tack and an amazing about of patience.

The Great Wall of VAX

A long time ago I worked for a small engineering firm that produced and sold Digital Image Processing systems.

The (un)luck of the Irish

I have been in the telecommunications business for almost thirty years now, but I still smile when I think back to the late eighties and one particular support event for a high tech firm.

Tune in, turn on…

I was working as a summer student for a company upgrading client software. One day I arrived back in my office after to find a nasty voice mail message from a manager that I had finished updating.

Underwear, beer and fraud

Do you remember the days when Ma Bell would charge $1.00 per minute to call Vancouver from Toronto? I do and it was about that time I encountered an unforgettable character in the Information Technology department.

Tech News

Dev Bytes

Province invests in

Quick hits