Nestor E. Arellano

Toronto-based journalist specializing in technology and business news. Blogs and tweets on the latest tech trends and gadgets.

Articles by Nestor E. Arellano

TV white space to provide ‘super Wi-Fi’ coverage for rural areas

Federal Government makes unused TV spectrum available to boost rural Internet access

Canada’s cloud computing strategy calls for no cross-border data storage

Government wants it clear that Canada owns and controls the data

Five Wi-Fi slip-ups tech pros need to avoid

Setting up a Wi-Fi network may look straightforward enough but there's lots of opportunity to make mistakes, according to network expert Eric Geier

‘Smart traffic’ to push 10-fold growth in mobile data: Cisco

More than half of mobile traffic will be transferred from conventional cellular systems to Wi-Fi and small cell networks

Amazon takes over Go SDK project

AWS market share on a five-year high, Microsoft has strongest growth

Go Transit expands free Wi-Fi network

Thirty one more Go stations and terminals to receive free Wi-Fi this year

Bell, Videotron mobile TV decision: No Internet fast and slow lanes says CRTC

CRTC chair's decsion was grounded on net neutrality principles, according to Internet law expert

Jumpstart your Windows Server 2012 migration with these 10 steps

Don't get caught flat-footed when Microsoft pulls the plug on Windows Server 2003

Tech News