Michael Regan

Articles by Michael Regan

Taking My Blog On The Road

It started last Saturday night. After sending an email (I hope) myInternet connection died. No problem - I am a highly trained computergeek -...

A New Way to GO GREEN

Eestor - Finally Some NewsAfter nearly a year of silence since applying for a patent Eestor has gone public.Eestor’s announcement of third...

A Matter of Survival

Survival is on every business owners mind. IT businesses, like manyservice provides, are caught in a double bind. Not only do they need toensure...

HP Mini 1000 MIE

OK - I like Linux. Actually I LOVE Linux.When I decided it was finally time to get a laptop the main questionwas “Does it...

Hello World

OK - I maybe crazy, entering a contest less than two weeks before itis over. But, it certainly wouldn’t be the strangest thing I...

The Recession can work to your advantage in Canada

The Recession of 2008/2009 has hit most firms in all industries.However, this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Being a small ITConsulting firm,...

Tech News