Michael Martin

Articles by Michael Martin

NorthPoint sues Verizon

DSL provider NorthPoint Communications Friday filed a lawsuit against Verizon, just over one week after Verizon terminated an agreement that would have merged the two companies' DSL businesses.

A battle for control

For decades, voice and data have coexisted peacefully in similar yet separate worlds...

Hosted PC inventory service provides asset reports on-line

EasyVista.com next week is launching a hosted PC inventory service for companies that...

Start-up serves up secure hosted nets

San Francisco-based start-up SilverTech Inc. is targeting an offering it calls a private...

Vendors form DSL interoperability group

Several equipment vendors and service providers last week launched a program aimed at achieving full interoperability among...

Municipal fibre builds could ensure equal access for all Canadian citizens

Wide area bandwidth is hot. Carriers, enterprises and even residential customers can

CLEC seeks Out Cannections

Bundling, the practice of packaging one telecommunications service with one or more other telco services and charging less for the resulting bundle than the total cost of the individual services combined, is widespread in the Canadian service provider market. Generally, bundling is thought to be a good thing for all parties. It lets service providers sell more services than they might normally be able to sell, because they're selling combined services at a reduced rate. For enterprises, bundling gives them access to services they might not normally be able to afford.

Government moves in Canadian and U.S. telco space benefit the marketplace

In a society that depends on a free market to drive economic growth, government regulation tends to be frowned upon. Occassionally though, unusual circumstances force government to step in and steer companies in a particular direction to maintain a competitive marketplace, a la Microsoft. Two recent government moves in the telecommunications space, one in Canada, the other in the U.S., are examples of interventions that benefit the market economy.

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