Matthew Broersma

Articles by Matthew Broersma

Racism row does in OSI head

The president of the Open Source Initiative (OSI) was asked to leave his job, less than a month after taking on the post, for allegedly racist posts.

Red Hat patches critical hole

Red Hat is warning enterprise Linux users to update their installations of XFree86 to fix a number of serious security bugs, some of which could allow attackers to take over a system. Affected operating systems include Enterprise Linux AS 3, Enterprise Linux ES 3 and Enterprise Linux WS 3, Red Hat said in an advisory.

Internet Explorer under attack even if not in use

With the number of non-Internet Explorer (IE) browsers expanding rapidly, a new spyware attack has surfaced that uses Java to infect IE even when the browser isn't being used at the time.

New open specs to make security dream a reality

As part of a plan to increase the use of strong authentication in the enterprise, RSA Security Inc. has released five specifications for various One-Time Password (OTP) methods, and plans to turn them into open standards. OTP is considered a strong way of protecting corporate resources, but so far hasn't seen wide adoption because of a lack of open standards.

senior technology consultant with Sophos PLC

Companies should think twice before jumping on the Firefox bandwagon, says Gartner Inc.

Firefox pus dent in IE numbers

Microsoft Corp.

program leader, Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technology

U.K. local authorities are far less likely to use open-source software than those of some other European countries, according to findings from a Dutch study. The study has so far found that 32 per cent of local authorities in Britain use open-source software, compared with 71 per cent in France, 68 per cent in Germany and 55 per cent in the Netherlands.

E.U. software patent draft may get voted on this year

A controversial draft directive on software patents could be headed for a vote this year after all, with the news it could be approved by experts from the Environment or Agriculture and Fisheries Councils.

Tech News