Mark Gibbs

Articles by Mark Gibbs

Sinners? Amen, Brother Gibbs!

Sinners! That

Pain from the knee and the Jukebox

Having just had knee surgery, I was cheered to find a new toy ...

Mixing it up with real on-line expectations

Over the past few years, my bride and I have accumulated a small ...

Plug-ugly interfaces down to the bone

For many of you, the following observation may seem obvious, but I will...

Vendors in denial: prints at 11

In previous columns, I have been less than complimentary about Hewlett-Packard Co. support....

Uninformed judgement day


The scary business of skins

Welcome to the chromed world. Have you ever noticed how much of our software can be dressed up in its party clothes for no reason other than we want it to look some way other than the way it was shipped? Does all of this chrome add to the usability of our PCs? Does it make our work better? The answer is usually

The fashionable world of IT

I write Network World (US)

Tech News