Mark Gibbs

Articles by Mark Gibbs

Expertise and the Palin hack

Yahoo offers a free e-mail service and so one might reasonably expect them to be expert in e-mail. But what does expert mean in this case?

The glory of Firefox 3

To use another browser one must be either nontechnical or a committed masochist, according to Network World columnist Mark Gibbs

The 800-pound gorilla of marketing crazy

Microsoft's $300-million "Windows, Not Walls" campaign featuring comedian Jerry Seinfeld is further proof that Redmond has lost its marketing mind. But we're in part to blame for what the company's become, laments Network World columnist Mark Gibbs

Will we forgive Apple’s iPhone back door?

The iPhone "kill switch" is a serious breach of trust on Apple's part, says Network World columnist Mark Gibbs

SCO’s comeuppance

A court finally favours Novell in the suit that would have undermined the legal foundations of Linux. But why have four successive investment firms -- including RBC -- seen fit to invest in SCO?

Opinion: City of San Francisco management fails

Poor IT strategy and management may be to blame for the network lockdown

Let’s rethink ICANN, not TLDs

There may be problems with the current system of top-level domains, but adding more at the whim of companies with deep pockets will make the problem worse, not better

Managing institutional memory

How do we handle the 'rare touch' information -- like infrastructure decisions made a decade ago -- to ensure contimuity in the business?

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