Security concerns still represent the top deterrent for implementing Voice over IP (VoIP) in the enterprise, but all other indications point to a steadily increasing satisfaction rate among those firms that have deployed the technology, according to a recent global survey of networking professionals.
IBM Corp. has developed new technology, dubbed Secure Blue, that puts encryption capabilities on microprocessor chips, providing added security to data stored on mobile units like laptops, PDAs and smart phones.
Organizations are most concerned about protecting the network against external attacks, but actual breaches are pointing to culprits dwelling within the corporate walls. A survey of 83 IT decision-makers conducted by Forrester Research revealed that while insider breaches topped the list of attacks in 2005, this kind of risk is only a mid-level concern among organizations.
A recent study has revealed that despite many years and dollars invested in IT, Canadian firms are still burdened with business data that is inaccurate and unreliable. And this predicament may be preventing organizations from making strategic business decisions, according to a joint report released by CFO Research Services and Deloitte Consulting LLP entitled, IQ (Information Quality) Matters.
Over 70 per cent of firms that have implemented ITIL report achieving positive results from the project, according to a survey conducted by Forrester Research. Industry experts agree, however, that despite the positive outcome ITIL implementations could still face failure if undertaken without proper planning.
The recent incidents of identity fraud that victimized certain account holders at the Bank of Canada might be a wakeup call for organizations to take a