Mari-Len De Guzman

Articles by Mari-Len De Guzman

Vendors play out pure-play strategy

Industry players are debating the viability, or lack thereof, of pure-play security strategies in the face of a continuously consolidating marketplace and an increasing trend among application vendors to integrate security into their products

Big vendors absent from Vista-readiness list

It may be the Windows world

New Brunswick university hosts hi-tech research hub

The University of New Brunswick (UNB) in Fredericton recently became home to one of the first research facilities in Canada focusing solely on information and network security studies

Making a play for the infrastructure

Symantec Corp. wants more presence in the enterprise IT infrastructure space and its spate of acquisitions and technology strategies are evidence of that move. ComputerWorld Canada senior writer Mari-Len De Guzman recently sat down with CEO and chairman John Thompson to explore that aspect of his company

Airports thumbs up on ID system

security is soaring at Canadian airports with the rollout of a dual biometric-based airport identification card program by the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA), reportedly the first of its kind in the world

Clock ticking for IT with daylight saving time shift

It may be reminiscent of the days leading up to the Y2K phenomenon, but the IT implications of the early switch to daylight saving time (DST) this month may not be as dreadful as some might think.

Saskatchewan SWEEPs out its toxic e-waste

One Canadian province recently became a showcase of industry

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