Mari-Len De Guzman

Articles by Mari-Len De Guzman

Here’s to the IP network

There could be any number of reasons why your enterprise is undergoing an infrastructure renewal, but chances are that Internet Protocol is behind it somewhere. We speak to Avaya Canada prez Mario Belanger about the technology that's changed everything

IP moves to

IP communication has become more pervasive in the enterprise, not only as a technology replacement for traditional telephone lines, but as an enabler for business processes and worker productivity. In this interview, Mario Belanger, president of Avaya Canada, offers some insights on the current and future state of the IP telephony market.

Security bells ringing over virtualization

Virtualization is proving to be a technology of choice for certain cost-saving initiatives, but industry observers are sounding the alarms on the security realities of a virtual enterprise

RFID security gets tagged

Security issues around radio frequency identification (RFID) continue to be the subject of many debates as discussions around the use of the technology for personal identification applications increase

Canadians taking baby steps in bridging IT, business gap

When it comes to IT maturity in the enterprise, Canada is generally in its infancy. This according to a recent study by IDC Canada Ltd. that measured the progress of IT in the business environment, where the extent to which corporate information systems serve business needs determine the level of IT maturity

New Products – Perle adds new access feature to console servers

Perle Systems has added a new feature to its console servers. Redundant Path Technology has been added to the full product family of IOLAN Secure Console and Terminal Servers.

Digital data surge to hit enterprises

Is your business ready for a digital hurricane? A study released by market research firm IDC Corp. revealed the amount of digital information that will be created between 2006 and 2010 will increase from 161 exabytes to a whopping 988 exabytes. One exabyte is equivalent to about one billion gigabytes

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