Marc L. Songini

Articles by Marc L. Songini

SAP moves to boost CRM

SAP AG is readying a round of improvements for its line of customer relationship management (CRM) applications that it boasts will deliver more industry-specific functions.

Supply chain re-engineering lowers power cost

The desire to boost efficiency, standardize processes and cut costs in its supply chain led the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to launch its largest IT project to date

Data analysis vendors add supply chain tools

SAS Institute Inc. is expanding its line of business intelligence software in a bid to help users apply in-depth analytics to their supply chain processes

Microsoft plans reporting engine for SQL Server

Microsoft Corp. has announced plans to embed an analytical reporting engine in the upcoming 64-bit version of its SQL Server database, adding another element to the decision-support capabilities it offers to corporate users.

IBM beta-tests virtual database technology

IBM Corp. is starting to beta-test two software tools designed to integrate distributed data repositories, and several users have said the new technology could help them set up virtual databases that pull together a wide range of information.

CA ships CleverPath portal upgrade

Computer Associates International Inc. plans to announce a software suite that tightly integrates its portal server with business intelligence tools, an end-user dashboard, access-control technology and other capabilities.

J.D. Edwards upgrades CRM tools

J.D. Edwards & Co. this week took the next step in binding its back-office software with the customer relationship management (CRM) applications that the company bought through its acquisition of YouCentric Inc. in late 2001.

APPSWORLD: Users report success with 11i

Oracle Corp.'s oft-repeated promise that its business applications can help users slash costs and boost operational efficiency is finally starting to strike home with some companies that have installed its E-Business Suite 11i software.

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