Lisa Williams

Articles by Lisa Williams

Federal privacy chief urges law revamp

As the present-day threat for identity theft gets stronger than ever, privacy advocates believe Canadian legislation enacted to protect the privacy of personal information is dated. In the recent tabling of her Annual Report, Federal Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart urged Parliament to review and modernize the Privacy Act.

Ontario Ministry of Health modernizes data transfer system

A new system for transferring personal health information files has not only enhanced data security, but it's taken the Ontario Ministry of Health out of the 1960's and into the 21st century, according to the Ministry's security architect, David Wilkins.

Interview with Serena Cassidy Nova Scotia Department of Health Promotion and Protection

A graduate of the Master of Public Administration program at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Serena Cassidy is currently participating in the Nova Scotia Public Service Commission's CareerStarts program and is also a member of Governext, a network for young public servants. She sat down recently to talk with senior writer Lisa Williams, about her interests in health, social and educational policy and her ambitions as a public service young achiever.

GTEC 2007: Government 2.0 targets online collaborative tools

One of the more compelling capabilities of Web 2.0 is how it changes the basic Web paradigm from "publish" to "participate." What this means for the Canadian government is a necessary evolution in its business operations, says federal Chief Information Officer Ken Cochrane.

Ontario CIO stresses service at showcase event

Information technology is all about service, according to Ron McKerlie, corporate chief information and information technology officer, Ministry of Government Services. In addressing Showcase Ontario attendees at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre today, McKerlie's keynote stressed this year's service theme.

There’s more to privacy than security, says Toronto professor

A new university program has been launched to address the need for a more holistic approach to privacy, identity and security management. The Identity, Privacy and Security Initiative (IPSI) was created by the University of Toronto in the spring of 2007 to develop new approaches to security that maintain privacy, freedom and safety of the user and the broader community.

Interview with Rob Dowler, Ontario Ministry of Government Services

As corporate chief strategist with the Ontario Ministry of Government Services (MGS), Rob Dowler is responsible for developing government-wide IT strategies and policies. Dowler recently spoke with senior writer Lisa Williams about I&IT procurement within MGS; his take on open source software, Facebook and going back to school; and how he stays in shape with distance running.

In Canada, your picture’s worth a thousand words for privacy

Walk down the street in the U.S. and your image belongs to anyone and everyone. But walk down the street in Canada and that image is yours and you own it. This is because strict privacy laws in Canada govern all collection, use and disclosure in the course of commercial activity, according to Canadian privacy lawyer David Fraser.

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