Lisa Williams

Articles by Lisa Williams

Question and Answer with Andrew Pinder

Q. The title of e-envoy holds some enigma. What were the main priorities of the position and how did they fit with you?

Question and Answer with Andrew Pinder

Q. The title of e-envoy holds some enigma. What were the main priorities of the position and how did they fit with you?

Question and Answer with Chris Moore

Q. You've been the CIO of Brampton for just over five years. Could you talk about the work you did prior to this and how it prepared you for the work you're doing now?

Network troubleshooting gets easier for BC Government

Increased network visibility has been one of the chief benefits for the B.C. Government after they rolled out new AppCritical software.

Spotlight on Paul Hession from PWGSC

Part 1 with Paul Hession, Director General of Service Qualification and Transition, Public Works and Government Services Canada. InterGovWorld senior writer Lisa Williams spoke with Hession about GTEC, his work in both the private and public sector, and the changing role of the CIO.

CATA study to examine Canadian first responder tech needs

A national study recently launched by the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA) and the Canadian Police Research Centre (CPRC) is aiming to identify the technology, emergency preparedness and research needs of Canada's first responders.

Ontario public school boards to get HR and payroll upgrade

IT upgrades can prove costly, especially for cash-strapped school boards, but a recent decision by the Education Computing Network of Ontario (ECNO) to rollout a Microsoft human resources and payroll processing application hopes to provide cost effectiveness and increased usability.

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