Lisa Williams

Articles by Lisa Williams

Big IT projects fumbled by feds, says Auditor General

When it comes to the management of large IT projects the federal government is failing, according to Auditor General Sheila Fraser's November report that found only two of the seven large IT projects examined met all the criteria for well-managed projects.

Spotlight on Marilyn Steinberg

Part 1 of InterGovWorld's Spotlight on Marilyn Steinberg, program manager for space awareness learning at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). Senior writer Lisa Williams spoke with Steinberg about her work as an educator, the exciting work the CSA is doing with students, and their innovative Tomatosphere Program.

Ambrose dealt to Intergovernmental Affairs

Following weeks of speculation Environment Minister Rona Ambrose has been repurposed to Intergovernmental Affairs, seemingly a casualty of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's first cabinet shuffle.

Update Ambrose dealt to Intergovernmental Affairs

Following weeks of speculation Environment Minister Rona Ambrose has been repurposed to Intergovernmental Affairs, seemingly a casualty of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's first cabinet shuffle.

12 days of Christmas identity protection

In keeping with the Christmas season Alberta's Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) has unveiled the 12 Points for Christmas aimed at consumers and merchants.

Part 2 of Spotlight on Paul Hession of PWGSC

In Part 2 of InterGovWorld's Spotlight on Director General Paul Hession of PWGSC, senior writer Lisa Williams spoke with him about the challenges of his job, the future of online services for citizens, and the evolution of e-government.

Question and Answer with Andrew Pinder

Q. The title of e-envoy holds some enigma. What were the main priorities of the position and how did they fit with you?

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