Liam Lahey

Articles by Liam Lahey

Teen team adopts e-learning

The Owen Sound Attack hockey club faced a problem attracting and retaining top-level talent in the Ontario Hockey League (OHL), primarily because Owen Sound has no university.

OneWorld goes for one solution

Empowering companies with collaborative, agile solutions for the Internet economy is Toronto-based J.D. Edwards Canada Ltd.

Microsoft gets hacked

Following the cracking of its corporate security, Microsoft Corp. is hoping the FBI can find the culprits.

Web site disruptions cripple 75 per cent of e-businesses: study

Nearly 75 per cent of all e-businesses in the U.S. with US$200 million or more in on-line revenues have suffered a Web site failure in the past six months, proclaimed a recently released study by IDC Corp.

Web site disruptions cripple 75 per cent of e-businesses: study

Nearly 75 per cent of all e-businesses in the U.S. with US$200 million or more in on-line...


Sun Microsystems

Canada 3000 flies through new operations

The airline business is a strange one.Because it is unlike any other, it involved a steep learning curve for Montage ...

Power to the people

Toronto-based author and futurist G. Robert Switzer says the next high-tech wave will be what he calls

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