Kimberly Chapman

Articles by Kimberly Chapman

VeriSign gathers Canadian affiliates

U.S.-based VeriSign Inc. is extending its digital certificate services to Canada through agreements with the Canadian Imperial...

Telcos must team together: study

Telecommunications companies need to team together and respond well to customer needs in order to remain competitive, according to an Andersen Consulting study called Vision 2010: New Strategies for Communications Enterprises.


Despite plans to roll out DSL services to ISPs in the Greater Toronto Area in September and Montreal in November, Optel Communications Corp. last month seemed unable to provide clear details on speeds and pricing.

MSN/AOL clash lacks steam here

The instant messaging battle that has erupted between AOL and Microsoft

Technology disrupts old order

Keynote speakers at SCO Forum

Users, partners delighted with Tarantella

Santa Cruz Operation Inc.

Standards incomplete but smart cards are ready

Smart card technology is mature enough for implementation now regardless of incomplete standards, according to industry experts...

Cisco expands convergence offerings

Cisco Systems Canada Co.

Tech News