Kathleen Lau

Articles by Kathleen Lau

Firefox 3 disappoints some Canadian users

Mozilla has seen massive downloads (and a few technical glitches) this week, but some local observers aren't as impressed by the browser's latest version. Developers discuss their plug-in-plans


Toshiba of Canada Information Systems Group

Toronto Hydro Telecom bought by Cogeco

The acquisition gives cable provider Cogeco a way into the business market, but a local consultant notes THT

Motorola releases software for network management

Motorola Inc. is helping IT managers and network operators more efficiently and comprehensively manage their networks and devices that sit on them

The five biggest storage trends

Data growth is just one factor influencing the way information is preserved within corporate IT systems. EMC predicts that 10 Gig Ethernet can co-exist with Fiber Channel, and talks about why tape won

Montreal BPM vendor integrates BI from IBM Cognos

Interfacing Technologies Corp. adds BI to its business process management suite so executives can get an integrated view of processes, knowledge, people and apps

IT jobs coalition courts talent at high school level

A group of Canadian companies concerned about skill shortages plans to create a lab sharing program that will offer facilities and resources in the off hours. Bell Canada's enterprise exec shares the rest of the strategy

Tech News