Kathleen Lau

Articles by Kathleen Lau

Better workflow, less coding

An integration hub built using services-oriented architecture shielded Hydro One's developers from complex coding for both new applications and legacy systems

Cynics invited to crack encryption system for a million bucks

A London, U.K.-based security software vendor offers a million dollars to whoever can crack its

2X ApplicationServer for Windows 2008 Terminal Server sports new features

Users of Windows 2008 Server can download the new version of 2X Application Server for free. It includes improved delegation of administration rights

How to mashup without a screwup

Mashup software can only succeed if it is designed with the user in mind. How IT staff can help

HP workstation at PC price

Hewlett Packard Co. announces an affordable workstation with the advantages of a Quad-Core Opteron processor from AMD. And the workstation is green

Vice-president, Research, Gartner

With its proximity to the U.S. market and hydroelectric facilities, Canada could build data centres and cool them using outside air. Find out what services cloud-based infrastructure could provide

Xandros buys Linspire in enterprise Linux bid

An open source distribution that started in Ottawa purchases a rival that could give it a chance to better compete with the likes of Red Hat, according to Info-Tech. The CEO promises more deals to come

Google holds $100K contest for developers

The top 500 finalists from Canada will gather in Waterloo later this month to battle for an opportunity to compete in the finals in California. Find out what previous Canadian finalists are doing now

Tech News