Kathleen Lau

Articles by Kathleen Lau

Are you being served? When interfaces stand in the way of good data

Business intelligence vendors and experts agree that users of BI tools should be able to consume data in the format they need it for...

YEAR IN REVIEW: December 2009

In December, Globalive Wireless got the green light from the federal cabinet to operate in Canada, Microsoft lost its appeal and was ordered to remove custom XML from Word, users faced the

YEAR IN REVIEW: February 2009

In February 2009, the biggest stories included Conficker's evil twin, HTC launching a rival to Apple

YEAR IN REVIEW: March 2009

In March 2009, the biggest stories included Microsoft releasing Internet Explorer 8, Rogers Communications getting a new CEO, Steve Wozniak in his TV dancing debut, Cisco Systems making its first foray into the server market, and more

New HP NonStop features for better system manageability

Platform enhancements include NonStop BladeCluster Express 1.2 for better system performance, NonStop SOAP 4.0 for better data integration, and upgraded NonStop SQL 2.3 for improved service levels

Is it business intelligence, business analytics, or

It’s amazing how a simple rebranding can incite renewed excitement about something that has been around for some time. Omega-3 supplements, for example, is...

10 IDC tech predictions for 2010

2010 is the year for private clouds, a hot data centre and mobile device market, banking system rationalization, new outsourcing models, and more according to IDC. Plus, HP identifies three areas IT managers will spend money on

Better business process the No.1 driver behind RFID

RFID spending is on the rise and ROI timeframes are shrinking, according to an ABI Research study. Toronto-based RFID vendor Ipico says it

Tech News