Kathleen Lau

Articles by Kathleen Lau


Green IT efforts apparently have not been spared the curse of the silo in the enterprise. Green IT experts I spoke to recently said...


Considering cloud computing? There

Digital Nation policy needs specifics

CATA Alliance says a policy paper won

Cloud app procurement lacks security: Symantec

A new study by Symantec and the Ponemon Institute reveal a low number of organizations have a policy in place for procuring cloud apps. But one security expert says the study is based on the belief that the cloud is not secure--yet the jury is still outrn

Conficker a year later is a

There are still 6.5 million PCs infected with Conficker/Downadup a year after the worm hit. The botnet has never been used and it

AMD launches 12-core Magny-Cours chip

Chip maker AMD has launched its much-anticipated Magny-Cours processor with an improved Direct Connect Architecture. An Info-Tech Research analyst says it appears AMD has decided it wants to conquer rivals Intel and IBM

VIDEO: IBM exec on Z/Linux

ComputerWorld Canada visited IBM

IBM marks 10 years of Linux on SystemZ

During celebrations at its Poughkeepsie plant of a decade of opening its mainframe to run Linux apps, a Canadian student is recognized as a winner of the 2009 Master the Mainframe Contest. An exec explains why the mainframe is

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