Kathleen Lau

Articles by Kathleen Lau

Android leads growing Linux-based phone market

A new report by ABI Research says Linux-based smart phones will outpace the rate of growth of the overall smart phone market by 2015. The drivers behind the expanding market share

HP preaches early security assurance with new service

With 800,000 unique, but not all catalogued, security vulnerabilities out there, HP is offering a new service for addressing security requirements at the outset of the app development lifecycle. One analyst says while the service has value, the question is whether businesses will use itrn

Next six months

The Conference Board of Canada predicts the start of a sustained economic rebound in 2010, but not before growth turns flat as customers remain unsure. What the Conference Board sees as a new line of business for the IT industry

Power your smart phone with sunlight on the go

IT HERO: Ottawa-based Kiwi Choice has developed an eco-friendly charger for handheld devices that uses sunlight, a USB port or car charger. No more disposable batteries for your smart phone, iPod or Nintendo

Suzuki to IT: Nature, not profit, is the bottom line

As long as making a buck remains the IT industry

Meet the finalists: Canada

The Quest for Canada

Tracking tornadoes, botnets and the solar system

High-performance systems are striving for exascale computing -- a thousand-fold increase from the current petascale capacity -- but can we even use all that data? The future of exascale computing

Tech News