Kathleen Lau

Articles by Kathleen Lau

Mobile video conferencing will have

While wireless video calling over mobile phones may gain some traction among consumers, the technology is not likely to have a pervasive enterprise impact

The digital city network and the quest for innovation

Connecting cities and communities across the world through a fibre-optic network is now a vision Toronto shares with other global metros, including Los Angeles, Singapore and Dublin

Rise of the Web top

The Internet is not just about social networking, it's metamorphosed into a new mode of production, said Don Tapscott, author of 'Wikinomics: how mass collaboration changes everything.'

Digital watermarking promoted as foil to would-be content pirates

People who think nothing of making illegal copies of video-on-demand and cable television pay-per-view content may think twice if they knew they were leaving "digital fingerprints" behind

Patent pressure – Vonage ruling a ‘sign of things to come’

Recent events at Vonage Holdings Corp.

Cyber crisis test sends Feds back to security school

A simulation exercise to assess the federal government's ability to adequately respond to national emergencies has revealed several shortcomings. An anti-hacker exercise dubbed Cyber Storm tests a country's communications, policies and procedures in the face of cyber attacks.

Government response to simulated crisis nets mediocre grade

A simulated exercise to assess the federal government's ability to adequately respond to national emergencies has revealed several shortcoming

IT and the art of event management

A security and event-management company, based in Brandon, MB, can now rely on an improved communications infrastructure to manage its mobile workforce dispersed across the country

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