Kathleen Lau

Articles by Kathleen Lau

CIOs get eight green computing tips for 2008

In the spirit of the season, EDS points out some red hot green tips that could help save the environment this coming year

Collaboration plug-in for Outlook unveiled

Collaboration Suite, an Outlook plug-in available in beta release from Sherbrooke, Que.-based Kryptiva, caters to employees whose work centres around e-mail. One analyst notes the software lacks presence awareness

Benchmark tests to grade commercial HPC gear

A Linux-based consulting organization offers an online tool it says will help organizations take the pain out of developing and deploying high-performance compute clusters. Improve your buying experience

Study outlines compliance control framework

A study by Reymann Group identifies 15 common underlying compliance threads in legislation that can help businesses cut costs and manage risk

Adobe offers RIA open source code

Developers can build more responsiveness into their RIA apps with open source code previously only available through Adobe LifeCycle Data Services ES

McGuinty supports innovation with $150k

The McGuinty government is investing in Waterloo, Ont.'s Accelerator Centre to help turn ideas into businesses

SimulScribe joins Canadian voice-to-text push

A day after Rogers announces a service via SpinVox, a New York firm offers another option for transcribing messages into something you read rather than hear. IDC and Info-Tech get talking about the market potential

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