Julie Clow

Articles by Julie Clow

New Cisco program to help form alliances

New Cisco program to help form alliancesnCompany announces new service carrier program that it

Ucora goes to wireless

Technology from one Vancouver-based company has turned the director of product development at another company from a cynic into an optimist.

Compaq, Systech target retail industry

Compaq may put the National Enquirer and other cashier line-up publications out of business, according to a company official.

Quebec home to a B2B first

The National Bank of Canada says it is creating the only one-stop-shopping online outlet for the province of Quebec

Talk first, then outsource


Web hosting to become a battlefield

A new IDC survey reveals that Canadian Web hosting services are on the verge of something big.

Hardware failure gets blame for weekend ABM glitch

Kirsten Amin was just trying to keep warm on Saturday, but her bank got in the way.

Hardware failure gets blame for weekend ABM glitch

Countless Toronto Dominion Canada Trust customers could not use the bank

Tech News