Juan Carlos Perez

Articles by Juan Carlos Perez

Salesforce.com and Google execs blast Oracle, SAP, Microsoft over SaaS

Getting sassy over SaaS. Marc Benioff, Salesforce.com CEO and Dave Girrouard, Google's Enterprise unit president chide Oracle, SAP and Microsoft for coming late to the Web-hosted software party

Yahoo desperate for deal with Microsoft?

Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang says he's willing to sell Yahoo to Microsoft, or do a search deal

Google and Yahoo deal in peril?

A prolonged U.S. Justice Department review may be forcing Google and Yahoo to consider scrapping their search advertising deal, according tot the Wall Street Journal

Click fraud slips but still a threat as scammers resort to botnets

The rate of click fraud has dropped but security researchers say cyber crooks are now using botnets to trigger fraudulent online ad clicks

Gmail outage vex Google Apps admins

Prolonged outage struck at dawn Wednesday, won't be fixed until Thursday night, says Google

Zoho releases launches e-mail app with offline, mobile access

ZoHo Mail works on PCs and mobile devices even when user is offline

New Wikia app platform sharpens query answers

Instead of having to users edit one result at a time, Wikia's WISE platform enables users to create applications for whole categories...

Google adds geolocation to Gears offline plug-in

An application programming interface will let users write software that can get information about people

Tech News