Joris Evers

Articles by Joris Evers

IBM announces support for Web services

IBM Corp. announced on Monday support of open Internet standards for all its major software products as well as new software tools to help users connect applications via the Web, creating so-called Web services.

CERT warns of worm that infects Solaris servers

A new Internet worm that can infect Web servers running Sun Microsystems Inc.'s Solaris operating system and Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Information Server (IIS) has been discovered.

Update: 3Com to announce more cost cutting measures

3Com Corp. will detail today additional measures it is taking to meet its goal of cutting annual operating cost by US$1 billion, the company said.

Flaws found in Alcatel modems

Weak security in high-speed ADSL modems from Alcatel SA could allow hackers to shut down the device, monitor data flows, and use it for cyber attacks, computer security experts said.

Gartner says e-biz future means integration

Gartner analysts have predicted not only a new era, but also have coined yet another new IT acronym (one can never have too many of those, after all) with forecasts regarding NLOs.

Gartner’s Dataquest cuts IT services market forecast

Market researcher Dataquest Inc., a unit of Gartner Group Inc., cut its projections Wednesday for the value of the worldwide IT services market.

Lernout & Hauspie put up for sale

President and CEO Philippe Bodson of Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products NV (L&H) on Friday put the entire Belgian speech technology developer up for sale.

Ericsson, Nokia and Motorola team on mobile messaging

L.M. Ericsson Telephone Co., Nokia Corp. and Motorola Inc. announced on Thursday the creation of the Wireless Village initiative, a joint project established to define and promote a set of universal specifications for mobile instant messaging and presence services.

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