John Ribeiro

Articles by John Ribeiro

Pakistan extends Web site ban to include YouTube

The video site joins Facebook, which was blocked on Wednesday because of a page inviting caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.

BMC Software will add more SaaS products

The company said some of these will be delivered to customers by BMC has already promised to make its Remedy IT Service Management suite available in SaaS form

India adds IT jobs despite recession

The largest addition of jobs in the country came in the IT services and business process outsourcing industries, which serve the needs of North American enterprise IT departmentsrn

PayPal suspends personal payments to India

PayPal has suspended personal payments to and from India and transfers to local banks in the country. The move may be related to new Indian rules on verification of clients' identities. reaches out to Muslim Web users

Users get a warning but can still continue their search when they type in words like beer, pork, porn or rape on the new Muslim-centric search engine that filters for content that is

Recession brings business to smaller Indian outsourcers

While larger Indian vendors refuse to drop their prices, clients are increasingly turning to small and mid-size outsourcers for specialized services at lower prices, say analysts

Indian farmers control irrigation with mobile phones

Mobile services operator Tata Teleservices is piloting a service that will help farmers work around erratic electricity supply by using mobile phones to monitor and control irrigation pumps

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