Orange SA is poised to become the first mobile operator in Europe to offer a commercial push-to-talk service similar to the walkie-talkie service pioneered by Nextel Communications Inc. in the U.S. nearly a decade ago.
Rival Internet service providers (ISPs) keen to acquire the once-ailing European operations of Time Warner Inc.'s America Online (AOL) division may have to look elsewhere to expand their operations.
Amid all the talk about bringing computers and Internet access to the digital "have-nots" during the global Net summit that took place in Geneva between Dec. 8 and12, one group was showing participants how it's already delivering the goods.
As the first-ever global Net summit ended Friday evening in Geneva five years after the idea was hatched in Minneapolis, Minn., some are calling it a success, others are labeling it a failure while still others view it as a bit of both.
For a change, Kofi Annan, secretary-general of the United Nations (U.N.), didn't have to face an auditorium full of diplomats confronted with the threat of war when he took to the podium at the opening session of World Summit on the Information Society on Wednesday.
Government negotiators from nearly 200 countries narrowed their differences on how to manage the Internet and protect freedom of expression online in an important round of preparatory talks over the weekend in Geneva, but failed to agree on how to fund the Internet's expansion in developing countries.
Enterprise users can now download an update of SuSE Linux's AG enterprise server software that offers improved hardware support and enhanced storage access.