Joaquim P. Menezes

Articles by Joaquim P. Menezes

Project One – Reaping the rewards

COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLESavings sans system shiftsThe savings Celestica has realized from doing the same things, process-wise, in Thailand (say) as it does in...

Project One – The sweet sound of standardization

COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLE…And the two (and-a-half) shall become oneFrom an operational standpoint the big challenge for Celestica was collapsing its multiple ERP systems...

Project One – Town Halls turn skeptics into supporters

COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLEMoney talks – CFO in the saddle Management gurus never tire of talking about the critical importance of...

Report highlights perils of IT mismanagement

An inability to properly manage their IT assets is placing many North American organizations at a significant security and financial risk, says a recent report.

Taking care of Business

COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLEAmerican cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead compared life in this century to a parachute jump. "You have to get it right the...

Nortel settles with Canadian plaintiffs

Nortel Corp. has announced an agreement with Canadian plaintiffs in a class action law suit that paves the way for implementing an earlier settlement the company reached in the U.S.

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