joab jackson

Articles by joab jackson

Use enterprise data to fuel new business ideas: expert

Keeping a pile of data is a waste of time. Try asking the right questions and processing the data in the right way for your business

A decade later, W3C finalizes CSS 2.1

It took a while, but the World Wide Web Consortium has updated the style language for the Web after running 9,000 tests

HP launches IT executive scorecard software

CIOs and operational managers could see the health of IT or other organizational operations, using actual operational data collected by HP and third-party programs

IBM to invest $100M for big data analysis, research

Big Blue will have 20 new service offerings to help customers quickly analyze petabytes of data. Why the company says now is a good time to

NetApp offers Microsoft cloud blueprint

TECH ED The reference architecture should help enterprises virtualize their NetApp block-based storage systems so they can be managed from Microsoft System Center. Plus, Cisco gets in on the game, too

VMware debuts sign-on service for cloud applications

The federated sign-on service synchronizes with LDAP and Active Directory so no passwords or user names are exchanged. How Horizon App Manager offers more control over users of cloud-based services

DOJ ruling against Microsoft has little impact on browsers

Even though the DOJ put restrictions on Microsoft about how Windows handled browsers, the consent decree seemed to have little effect on the development of the browser market, observers said. Find out more

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